Florida Association of Professional Employer Organizations Week 5 Legislative Update

by David Daniel, FAPEO Lobbyist

Only 28 days left of the 2006 Legislative Session.   

During Week 5 both the House and Senate passed their respective budgets to the other chamber, setting up the formal conference committee process.  Once the Speaker of the House and the Senate President agree on budget allocations for each of the budget subcommittees the process of reconciliation of the budget differences begins.  There are large budget items to be ironed out between the Senate, House and Governor surrounding education spending, tax incentives and tax relief.  The Governor is seeking $1b in tax relief with corporate income reductions for manufacturing and retail among the mix.  The House has agreed to the $1b but the centerpiece of their package is a 2 cent reduction in the business rent tax.  The House proposal leaves out the corporate income tax reduction entirely.  The Senate is only at $250 m in tax relief.  They also fund the Governors $250 million incentive package for Enterprise Florida (which the House does not fund).  The Senate also includes a couple of million in a reduction of the required local effort as a way of property tax relief.  

It will sure be a fun 28 days

Re-Employment Assistance

HB 1017 by Rep. LaRosa (R- St. Cloud) — SB 1216 by Sen. Stargel (R-Lakeland)

This legislation is DEO’s package which seeks to identify and prosecute unemployment fraud by claimants.  The bill has been substantially amended from the bill as originally filed.  I have attached the latest version of the bill and its accompanying staff analysis for your review. 

HB 1017 passed the House Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee during Week 5 by a vote of 11-0.  It will now head to the House Economic Affairs Committee for consideration.  SB 1216 is scheduled to be taken up by the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee during Week 6. 

Workers Compensation System Administration

SB 986 by Sen. Simpson (R-Trilby)  — HB 613 by Rep. Sullivan (R-Eustis)

This legislation includes a variety of changes to the workers’ compensation law including employer compliance and coverage responsibilities, DFS powers and duties, resolution of medical issues, repeal of an underutilized program, and elimination of certain fees.  It is the work product of the Division of Workers Compensation in the Department of Financial Services.  I have attached SB 986 and the staff analysis to SB 986 to this email for your review. 

HB 613 has been placed on the House Second Reading Calendar.it is awaiting being taken up on the Special Order Calendar.  SB 986 was taken up and passed the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee by unanimous vote.  It will now head to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government for consideration.

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