On Site HR Receives Award

It brings me great pride to announce that our friends at On Site HR/The Roberts Group have been awarded...

Texas Mutual’s Top Honor for Workplace Safety

Only 200 of these awards are awarded by Texas Mutual Insurance (TMI), the largest provider of workers' compensation in the State of Texas with 66,000 policyholders.As of end of year 2014, TMI wrote over $1.1 billion of Texas workers compensation insurance and controlled over 40% of the Texas workers' compensation marketplace (the next closest was Zurich at 3.46%.http://www.tdi.texas.gov/company/top40.html#wcThe award salutes employers that go above and beyond in maintaining safe work environments for their employees.  TMI every year awards a small fraction of their insureds who have exemplary safety records and exceptional safety programs.Hats off LJ, Josh and Chris!-PRH-------------------------------------twitter.com/texasmutualFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 25, 2016Media Contacts:Levente McCrary or Katie McKeelmccrary@echristianpr.comkmckee@echristianpr.comElizabeth Christian Public Relations(512) 472-9599Tarrant County Companies ReceiveTexas Mutual’s Top Honor for Workplace Safety Tarrant County, Texas—Today, Texas Mutual Insurance Company announced that five employers in Tarrant County have been awarded the company’s top honor for workplace safety. Texas Mutual, the state’s leading provider of workers’ compensation insurance, recognized these companies for their dedication to workplace safety.Honorees from Tarrant County include:

  • Walsh & Watts Inc.
  • Intercon Environmental Inc.
  • Brown Staffing Services DFW LTD
  • Offsite HR LLC

To qualify for this honor, a company must demonstrate its commitment to workplace safety by implementing an exemplary safety program and controlling workers’ compensation losses.“At Texas Mutual we focus heavily on promoting workplace safety and educating employers about safe work practices,” Richard Gergasko, president and chief executive officer of Texas Mutual Insurance Company, said. “These awards recognize companies for their dedication to workplace safety and their commitment to the safety of their employees.”This year, Texas Mutual distributed 200 safety awards to policyholders throughout the state who have exemplary safety records and exceptional safety programs.About Texas Mutual Insurance CompanyAustin-based Texas Mutual Insurance Company, a policyholder-owned company, is the state’s leading provider of workers’ compensation insurance. Texas Mutual provides coverage to 40 percent of the market, representing over 64,000 companies, many of which are small businesses. Since 1991, the company has provided a stable, competitively priced source of workers’ comp insurance for Texas employers. Helping employers prevent workplace accidents is an important part of Texas Mutual’s mission.


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