PEO Growth and the Competitive Climate

From our friends at the Florida Association of Professional Employer Organizations ("FAPEO").    It could not be said in a more powerful manner the need to continue advocacy for the PEO industry as we continue to grow and be an even more powerful piece of supporting workers' compensation for the employees of the State of Florida.  I look forward to seeing you there --- This will take place on Feb 19-20 2018. From: Robert SkrobSent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 9:35 AMSubject: Lies and Insults in the Lawmaking ProcessYou’ve had a string of successful years in the PEO industry. Market share has increased and payrolls grown.This makes our enemies angry. Some people outside of the PEO industry are on the losing side of your growth. When you sign-up a new client that has never worked with a PEO before, that means they are canceling other relationships. Rather than make their offering more competitive, many of those canceled provider complain to lawmakers. They accuse your company of cheating the system, fraud, and failing to pay for injuries. Sure, in the process they do everything they accuse you of, but the reality is lawmakers don’t know that. Lawmakers hear a lot of negative misinformation from people outside the PEO industry. That’s why it’s important for you to tell the other side of the story. To explain to your lawmakers exactly how you help worksite employees get better benefits, help your clients focus on growing their business and how you help government improve compliance and collect more taxes. On February 13-14, we’ll host the Florida PEO CEO Legislative Summit. This event is free, I attached a brochure with more details.  Just RSVP so we can save you a seat. is the hotel information:There is block of rooms at the Doubletree Hotel located at 101 S. Adams Street in Tallahassee, FL. FAPEO has arranged a special rate of $169.00 per night for this event. You can make your reservation for the night of February 13th using this link: or by calling 1-877-800-2652 and mention that you are with FAPEO.This event will give you insights into workers’ compensation reform efforts, insider information on how the reshuffle created by lawmakers moving into the Trump administration will impact the lawmaking process and a time to weigh in on issues impacting the PEO industry. Plus, we’ll use the opportunity of having you in Tallahassee to set up meetings for you with your local lawmakers to educate them on how the decisions they make impact your PEO and the clients and co-employees you serve. Our lawmakers will make decisions on hundreds of issues over the next few weeks. Few lawmakers understand what you do and yet they hear a lot of nonsense from those who want to make your PEO less competitive. While we work hard to educate each lawmaker about the PEO industry, there’s nothing as powerful as hearing directly from a company within his or her community. A briefing from you about your company is a lot more powerful than David Daniel or I giving legislators a presentation about the PEO industry in theory. Make your plans now for February 19-20. I attached a brochure with additional details.  Just send Suzanne or me an email to RSVP.

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The PEO Compass is a friendly convergence of professionals and friends in the PEO industry sharing insights, ideas and intelligence to make us all better.All writers specialize in Professional Employer Organization (PEO) business services such as Workers Compensation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Data Management, Employment Practices Liability (EPLI), Cyber Liability Insurance, Health Insurance, Occupational Accident Insurance, Business Insurance, Client Company, Casualty Insurance, Disability Insurance and more.To contact a PEO expert, please visit Libertate Insurance Services, LLC and RiskMD.  


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