Can Cyberattack Costs be Predicted?

I found a very informational article on cyber exposure that further The link below is from CFO magazine and illuminates cyber liability blind spot to American Business.  Great issue with many other cyber articles in it -A few excerpts of note ---" Yet, complex as the issues are that must be tackled in determining how much of an investment to make to mitigate cyber risk, risk management experts agree on the first step finance chiefs should take: Assess the risk—first by gaining a firm grasp of the company’s data assets, then by ranking them in order of their value to the company." “Look at the relative importance that different information or applications have to the business in terms of the amount they contribute to revenue or the cost that would be incurred if that asset were not available,”"...there isn’t very much data out there on what [breaches] cost—even with the well-publicized ones,” says Heppen. “And we’re not going to know for some time how much they cost. ”As PJ is now getting ready for high school at 14, I could not help a little Mark Twain and to all the Happiest of Father's Days! "When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years." -PRH

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